Best scalper
Forex robots (Softwares)
Best scalper is only made scalper trading on EURUSD&GBPUSD pairs.
您已将您的帐户成功关联到Cashbackcloud。 strong>目前,我们正在审核您的帐户,我们会尝试将其与您的服务提供商相关联。 从现在开始,你只需要静待我们的回复, 它应该在一至二个工作日内送达。
如果您有任何疑问,请随时通过[email protected] 与我们联系。
您已将您的帐户成功关联到Cashbackcloud。 strong>目前,我们正在审核您的帐户,我们会尝试将其与您的服务提供商相关联。
因为这是一个现有帐户 ,在我们的推荐网络下将它关联可能有点复杂, 可能需要多达10个工作日。
请留意,我们已代表您与您的提供商联系,要求他们将您的帐户置于Cashbackcloud。 如果您在3-5天内没有收到他们的答复,请尝试再次手动联系他们。
如果您有任何疑问,请随时通过[email protected]
很抱歉,但 IronFx span>不允许我们关联现有帐户。 strong>这意味着我们无法在此帐户中为您提供任何现金返还。
要获得 IronFx span>的折扣,您需要通过Cashbackcloud 开设一个新帐户 strong>。 我们知道这似乎有很多麻烦,但请记住,如果没有现金返还,你实际上在每笔交易中都会亏本! strong>
如果您有任何疑问,请随时通过[email protected]
还不是会员吗? 注册!
忘记了您的密码吗? 我们能帮助您!
This means that you get cashback for an account only once, when you fulfil all the requirements for the deal.
Learn more about deal typesForex robots (Softwares)
Best scalper is only made scalper trading on EURUSD&GBPUSD pairs.
-Open the get cashback button in a Private window
-Then you will receive cashback after buying it 30 days. Its because you can ask for money back in 30 days at the merchant.
-Always open the link in a Private window! Because as it is a one-time cashback you only have one chance to earn cashback after you buy it.
Don't forget to add your forex broker account to earn more cashback after each trade!
After completing all the requirements and being done with the registration process, don't forget to add your account to your Cashbackcloud profile.
Don't you have an account? Register now!
If you already have an account at Best scalper it is NOT POSSIBLE to put your existing account under Cashbackcloud. However, you still might be able to receive our cashback deal at Best scalper. Please contact us for further details. Or learn more about linking existing accounts here.